Voting Democrat Locally and Republican at the State Level
For reasons which are odd -- I won't go into them today -- I am a registered Republican. I will tend towards Republican candidates when I vote at the State level tomorrow.
However, local Bound Brook politics is a completely different story. I'm voting Democrat: Pranzatelli and Carroll. The main reason is the pathetic flyer I got from the Republicans today. DO THEY REALLY THINK I AM THAT STUPID??? When one party accuses the other party of "voting for $30,000 pay raises," I raise my eye browse and my bull-feces radar rings loud. There is almost always a good reason behind such statistics. Usually, both parties will fire half-truth barbs at each other. This year, however, I received a thoughful written explanation from the Demcrats containing an open letter from John Buckley in my mail about that accusation, which -- by the way -- did not make me feel stupid with one liner zingers. Thank You John. You were always a great neighbor on West Main Street when I lived next to you and I am so joyful for your efforts to bring sanity to the polticial process in Bound Brook.
Long live the Bound Brook Democrats! (At least for this year :-))
However, local Bound Brook politics is a completely different story. I'm voting Democrat: Pranzatelli and Carroll. The main reason is the pathetic flyer I got from the Republicans today. DO THEY REALLY THINK I AM THAT STUPID??? When one party accuses the other party of "voting for $30,000 pay raises," I raise my eye browse and my bull-feces radar rings loud. There is almost always a good reason behind such statistics. Usually, both parties will fire half-truth barbs at each other. This year, however, I received a thoughful written explanation from the Demcrats containing an open letter from John Buckley in my mail about that accusation, which -- by the way -- did not make me feel stupid with one liner zingers. Thank You John. You were always a great neighbor on West Main Street when I lived next to you and I am so joyful for your efforts to bring sanity to the polticial process in Bound Brook.
Long live the Bound Brook Democrats! (At least for this year :-))
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