
A few years back, I was at the March For Life and I was really frustrated by the completely biased news coverage.  So, I tried to buy one of the March for Life domain names.  Well, today, the transaction was completed and I am now the owner of www.MarchForLife.net.  Actually, it did not expect this at all.  Life is full of surprises!

This is exciting for me, because it is an opportunity to create a record of undeniable facts about the massive size of the March For Life and the tremendous youthfulness of the pro-life movement.  It's amazing every year to see the pictures of others when I cannot make it and to see the march itself when I can make it.  Every religion (plus I absolutely love the Atheists For Life who are always at the march).  Every skin color.  More women than men, which just blows away the stereotype that its a bunch of men trying to control women.  And, more young people than ever before.

Having 5 young boys, I am walking that fine line.  Don't want to turn them off to something by being too pushy, you know.  I brought my oldest son Billy about 4 years ago, and he didn't want to go to the march since then.  I think it was mostly all the walking involved.  So, I'm not always able to be at the march even though I wish I could be there.

My plan for the website.  We'll I supposed I should pray about it, right?  Originally, my idea was to create a way for people to submit photos, videos, links to blogs, news articles, and YouTube videos.  A way to categorize by year and march (because, there is now more than one March For Life.  They are all over the country).  Ask me if I remembered to pray about this in a couple days...


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